What is the OPUS SoundBed?

Do you sometimes feel you need an attitude adjustment?

Does planning a vacation sound like a little “too much” right now?

Plan a 15-minute, 30-minute, or 1-hour “mini vacation” with Zen Body Waves in Montgomery, Alabama!

We are now offering an OPUS SoundBed Experience that will penetrate the mind, embrace the heart, and fill your physical body with sensations you have not felt in a very long time, if ever.

The OPUS SoundBed is a full-body wellness bed that blends special audio choices (meditations, visualizations, dreamlike journeys) with the comfort of a spacial-audio and low-frequency vibrating bed. The results that can be felt in just one hour will radiate through you for days.

We are VERY EXCITED that the Opus SoundBed is now in our office and is now available for booking!

  • The bed has five zones of vibration that produce a range of sensations within your body from soothing rain to booming thunder and bass. Special speakers send waves of vibration through your body to bring you into a state of harmony. The OPUS SoundBed speakers create energy that ripples through your body with geometric Sine waves, coupled with music that promotes wellness, to quickly release you out of “stress mode” and into a place of deep relaxation and receptivity.

    The bed is a tool for you to use in order to experience deep meditative states and harmonization of body and spirit.

  • The SoundBed brings instant relief to your physical and emotional body on many levels. Here are a few other ways that the SoundBed may help you:

    • Reduced stress

    • Fewer mood swings

    • Lower cholesterol levels

    • Lower blood pressure

    • Pain Management

    • Reduce pain

    • Improve sleep

    • Balance hormones

    • Reduce the risk of strokes and coronary artery disease

    • Heal root causes of illness and dis-ease in the body

    • Brings clarity and balance to emotions

    • Helps students prepare for study

    • Help awaken your Higher Self

  • Depending on how you are feeling, you will likely benefit from using the SoundBed at least once a month, increasing the frequency to once or twice a week if you are experiencing high levels of stress.

    The SoundBed is an instant “attitude adjustment” and you should feel free to schedule “Love Yourself” SoundBed sessions as often as necessary.

  • It is a combination of sound healing, music therapy, massage, and meditation to create a transformational, healing experience in a short 1 hour session.

    Low sound frequencies in wave patterns are synchronized with calming music and sound frequencies for a full-body experience of deep, heartfelt relaxation. The vibrations help to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and the vagus nerve which creates a relaxation response. The combination of sounds and vibration help to entrain the brain for heightened awareness and higher states of consciousness.