What is Reiki Energy Therapy?

Usui Reiki Ryoho is an energy art derived from ancient healing practices. Often referred to simply as “Reiki”, the term is derived from two Japanese syllables, rei, and ki (pronounced “ray-key”, meaning “Universal Life Energy.”

Zen Body Waves wants you to know and feel Reiki with every layer of your beautiful body! We have a passion for teaching people all about Reiki: the purpose of using Reiki, the benefits of receiving Reiki, and the fundamental teachings of Dr. Mikao Usui.

  • It can be a little difficult to describe Reiki to someone who has not yet experienced it, but it may be helpful to think about it in how you experience the wind. You cannot see the wind, but you can feel its effects. You feel the warmth or coolness against your skin, see its strength during a storm as it tosses your hair around, or as it waves through flags on the horizon, and so on. In comparison, Reiki can be considered an internal wind: its life source ebbs and flows within your body, moving and balancing your internal landscape.



  • The infinite healing power of Reiki is limited only by your self-made boundaries. As you open up to receive Reiki, you will discover a myriad of benefits it offers, including:

    -Relieving stress and calming the body.

    -Clearing away toxic and stagnant energies that weigh you down.

    -Treating causes and symptoms of dis-ease.

    -Promoting balance in all aspects of your life.

    -Boosting the immune system.

    -Replenishing vitality of life.

    -Enhancing intuition.

    -Complementing other healing modalities.

    -Elevating mood and energy.

    -Balancing the body for optimal wellness and stamina.

    As you may have noticed, Reiki can offer benefits to all the layers of your body on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.



  • Reiki works like a thermostat that regulates the body. Much like a furnace that automatically turns on and off to regulate the temperature, Reiki flows through the hands of the practitioner slowly or rapidly (as needed) to dispense balancing energy. As the Reiki flows through the practitioner and to the recipient, the two may discover and react to sensations in their bodies like heat, coolness, heaviness, pulling, and tingling.

    As the Reiki flows through your body you will discover a deep sense of peace and relaxation. You may begin to yawn or even fall asleep as the body settles into a restful state of awareness. (gamma, theta, and delta)

    Once you reach these deep states of consciousness, the para-sympathetic nervous system begins clearing the body of toxins, aids in digestion and begins to heal and regenerate healthy cells.

    There is also a slight possibility that you will feel very little or nothing at all. Reiki sensations can be subtle and may be overlooked, but there is an intelligence to Reiki as it flows to where it is most needed in the body, and sometimes there is no sensation to show where it is flowing.



  • When you come in for a session with Zen Body Waves, you can ALWAYS expect a quick consultation where we can check in with you, find out what is going on in your body, and tailor a treatment to help.

    Once a course of treatment has been discussed, you will lay on the massage table, fully clothed, and you will be guided by meditation into a very relaxed state.

    At Zen Body Waves, we begin our Reiki sessions by using perfect-tone singing bowls to “sing through” your aura. By listening to the tones and fluctuations that your energetic body creates, we can “read the energy field” to find pockets of energy and blockages.

    We then use specific hand placements on or around the body to channel Reiki energy to areas of need. Reiki is a light-touch or no-touch therapy, and you will decide what is best for you before each session begins.

    -Wear comfortable clothing

    -No cell phones or i-watches, please.

    -If you would like, bring a list of affirmations or intentions for yourself. We can read them out for you to repeat in your relaxed state, a heightened state of awareness.

    After your session, you will likely feel, very relaxed, full-body awareness, lighter on your feet, more conscious, energetic, and refreshed.



  • Reiki is considered a complement to traditional medicine and we do not promote it as a cure for any diseases or conditions.

    However, an increasing number of healthcare facilities are promoting Reiki through their own programs. Many patients report that Reiki helps them while going through medical treatments, for pain reduction and stress relief.

    The relaxation that comes from Reiki will help you handle medical situations with a positive outlook and bring balance to your emotions for faster healing benefits.

    Reiki offers a holistic approach to healing that focuses on harmonizing the body's energy flow, promoting relaxation, and addressing the root causes of imbalances. While scientific validation of Reiki's mechanisms is ongoing, its growing popularity among individuals seeking natural and complementary therapies is a testament to its potential benefits.



  • Reiki is there when you need it, as often as you need it. You can never get “too much” Reiki. If the benefits of your Reiki session begin to wane, your body will let you know it is time for another session.

    Because Reiki flows to where it is needed, its natural course is to first deal with any apparent symptoms of illness or “dis-ease” in the physical body. Reiki will only serve as a band-aid if you abandon its use too hastily. Through consistent and continued use of Reiki, the root cause of any given illness can be treated.




    We offer Reiki sessions in our office located at:

    Peaceful Kneads Massage

    8101 Seaton Place Suite B

    Montgomery, AL 36116

    Phone# 1(334) 324-7499


    email us to book a distance session:


  • Energy is continuously flowing around us and through us, and science has proven that we are all connected in the string field of energy (the ether). No matter how far away, a Reiki practitioner can connect with your energetic body and send Reiki to you as if you were lying on the table right in front of them.

    Similar to offering prayers, sending Reiki involves visualization and mental focus, and it is done as a request for improvement in the recipient’s health, life circumstances, well-being, and so on.

    In a distance session or “absentia treatment” you will receive all of the benefits of an office Reiki session and, most likely, you will feel the same sensations of tingling, warmth, coolness, and relaxation with distance Reiki sessions.

    Distance Reiki can be sent to people of all ages and is very helpful for animals too! If your fur baby is suffering, we can send them Reiki with great healing benefits.

    To schedule a distance Reiki session with Zen Body Waves, send us an email request, and we will call you to set up the perfect time and dates for your sessions.


  • An amazing feature of Distant Reiki is that you can receive it from anywhere, all without having to step out of your home. Remote Reiki sessions can be just as powerful as in-person experiences, as the healing energy operates independently of your physical location, transcending both time and space. In fact, having a session in the tranquility of your own home can often be more soothing than the hassle of driving to a physical location, such as a sound healing center. If you're contemplating a Distance Reiki Session with Zen Body Waves, here are some steps to optimize your treatment.

    Before your Distant Reiki Healing

    A Distance Reiki session typically lasts around 45 minutes, but it can be extended to your preference. We'll coordinate a specific date and time for your distance Reiki session. Setting this appointment allows you to be in a receptive state, whether that involves lying down or meditating during the treatment.

    Before the session, we request that you email us a photograph of yourself, along with your given birth name, age, location, and any intentions you have for the session, be it related to a physical or health concern, a personal goal, or a particular challenge. These details enable us as Reiki practitioners, to establish a connection with you, especially if we haven't met in person before.

    No matter where you are in the world, these steps can help you prepare to harness the healing energy you'll receive.

    What are some tips for making the most of your distant Reiki healing?

    Preparing for your session

    Approach this time as you would a meditation session or your yoga practice. If you find comfort in baths, consider indulging in a warm one before settling in for your Reiki session; it can help you enter a profoundly receptive state.

    Craft a serene environment for yourself. Whether that means stepping outside and finding a peaceful park bench in the sunlight or sitting beneath the sheltering branches of a tree for 45 minutes.

    If you're at home, choose your favorite meditation area, a serene spot in your backyard, or simply lay down on your bed if relaxation is what you seek. Enhance the comfort of your space with cushions and blankets as needed, and feel free to incorporate spa-like music, crystals, essential oils, or incense to set the ambiance.

    Devote this time just to you

    Find a comfortable seated or reclined position and ensure you're not too chilly. Opt for loose, unrestricted clothing, and silence your phones while closing your computer. This dedicated time is solely for your benefit.

    Close your eyes and take a series of deep, unhurried breaths to induce relaxation. Kindly remind your busy mind that it's not needed at this moment. No one requires your attention right now, and there's nowhere else you need to be – you're simply here.

    Direct your attention to the sounds in your immediate surroundings. Should thoughts, questions, or ideas emerge in your mind, acknowledge them, and then allow them to drift away. Resist the urge to engage with or follow these mental threads. If you notice your focus wandering, gently guide it back to the rhythm of your breath, flowing in and out.

    State your intention

    Set your intention to receive the healing energy that's on its way to you. This is all you need to do. Release notions of time per the clock, your geographical time zone, and your physical location. Have faith that whatever you require is arriving at this very moment, perfectly timed for you. While this might initially appear somewhat challenging to believe, suspend your doubts and skepticism for this duration.

    If you're new to Reiki, embark on your Distant Reiki session with an open mind. If you lie there pondering, "When will it start?" or "I don't sense anything," or even questioning the authenticity of it all, you're not in the best frame of mind to fully relax and embrace the experience. Reiki energy is a manifestation of Universal Life Force Energy, inherently positive and incapable of causing harm. The energy you receive doesn't originate from the Reiki Master but flows through them, emanating from a higher source.

    It's natural to wonder what your experience might be like if you're new to Reiki, but it's impossible to predict in advance how you will perceive your Reiki session. Just as every individual is unique, their experiences with Reiki are equally individual. Reiki possesses its own wisdom and always acts in the recipient's best interest, irrespective of the physical sensations during the session. Whatever occurs is the right and perfect experience for you at that precise moment.

    Revert to your breath. A simple method to maintain focus on the present is to count your breaths slowly, one on the inhalation, two on the exhalation, and then begin again. Continue this pattern. Keep it uncomplicated.

    Relax in this space for as long as it feels comfortable, whether it's just 45 minutes or perhaps an hour. You might even drift into slumber, and that's perfectly acceptable.

    Finishing your session

    When you sense that you're ready, take three profound, unhurried breaths to signal your body that it's time to transition.

    Take a moment to jot down any thoughts that arose during your session. Often, these quiet moments yield the most valuable insights.

    Following your session, it's advisable to drink a glass of water, especially if there has been a noticeable movement of energy. Go about your day and pay attention to anything that arises; you might find yourself contemplating a particular situation or person, addressing something that's been bothering you, or receiving new ideas and inspiration.

    Distance Reiki is a splendid way to experience the uplifting, harmonious feeling of "all is right with the world" that comes when your mind, body, and spirit are in balance. By regularly scheduling sessions, you can further amplify this sense of harmony. It's important to note that you don't need to be unwell, unhappy, or lost to derive benefits from a Reiki session, but Reiki can be particularly beneficial in those states.

  • Yes! Reiki is available for all to learn, even children can learn how to use Reiki.

    Zen Body Waves, in Montgomery, Alabama offers many Reiki level 1 and Reiki level 2 classes throughout the year. We also teach private group classes.

    July 2024 Reiki level 1 & 2